Land Auction – 78.35 Acres – 2 Tracts in Knox County, IL
Friday, September 24, 2021 10:00 amAuction Location:
Yates City Community Center, 102 West Main St., Yates City IL 61572
Sold At Auction:
Tract 1 – $7,800
Tract 2 – $8,600
78.35 ACRES (M/L)– 2 TRACTS
AUCTION VENUE: Yates City Community Center, 102 West Main St., Yates City IL 61572.
AT 10 A.M.
FARM LOCATION: 78.35 acres, more or less, subject to final survey located at the junction of Routes 8 and 97 being 1 mile south of Maquon, IL or 7.5 miles west of Yates City, IL in the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 10, Maquon Township (T.9N.-R.3E.), Knox County, IL.
TRACT 1 – 67.61 ACRES
Tract 1 is the East 67.61 acres (m/l) of the farm that has frontage on Route 8 and Knox Road 1600E. The parcel lies undulating to gently rolling and presently consists of 57.14 FSA cropland acres. Primary soil types of the cropland are Fayette, Greenbush and Clarksdale silt loams with a PI rating of 117.5. The balance of the acreage includes timber and a small pond. Several additional cropland acres could be created should the new owner desire. The timber and pond site offers excellent hunting and recreation.
TRACT 2 – 10.74 ACRES
Tract 2 is the West 10.74 acres (m/l) of the farm being located on the west side of Knox Road 1600E directly across from Tract 1. The parcel lies level to gently rolling and presently includes 8.28 FSA cropland acres. Primary soil types of the cropland are Fayette, Radford and Clarksdale silt loams with a PI rating of 121.8. The balance of the acreage includes timber and a small stream.
SALE PROCEDURE: Tracts 1 and 2 will be offered by bidder’s choice whereby the high bidder has the privilege of selecting either one or both tracts. In the event one tract is selected the remaining tract will then be sold.
AUCTION NOTE: The tracts are well located between Galesburg and Peoria and feature frontage on State Route 8 and Knox Road 1600E, a good all-weather blacktop. We invite your inspection of these multi-use parcels!
TERMS OF SALE: Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price to be paid down at time of sale with balance due at closing on or before October 26, 2021. Possession will be given at the closing subject to the remaining rights of the present tenant under the 2021 crop lease. Title insurance will be provided. The 2021 real estate taxes payable in 2022 will be paid by the sellers. All statements and representations herein are believed to be correct, however, the seller and the auctioneers make no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied. Any announcements made on the day of sale will supersede those previously advertised. Van Adkisson Auction Service LLC serves solely as agent for the seller and assumes no liability of any kind with the property being sold.