Live & Online Land Auction – 300 Acres – 5 Tracts in Knox County, IL
Friday, November 3, 2023 10:00 amAuction Location:
Knox Agri Center, 180 S. Soangetaha Road, Galesburg, IL 61401
Sold at Auction:
Tract 1 – $5,300 per acre
Tract 2 –$5,300 per acre
Tract 3 – $5,300 per acre
Tract 4 – $5,425 per acre
Tract 5 – $5,300 per acre
AUCTION VENUE: Knox Agri Center, 180 S. Soangetaha Road, Galesburg, IL 61401
FRIDAY, NOV. 3, 2023
10 A.M.
You are required to provide a bank reference before being accepted to participate in this auction online. Please have your lender e-mail this information to adkissonauction@gmail.com.
Online bidders must be registered and approved by the auction firm no later than 1 p.m. on November 2, 2023.
The Budd Trust properties feature productive cropland, grassland, mature timber, premier hunting, excellent recreation and attractive home building sites!
The tracts are located along Route 150, 6 miles north of Galesburg in Sections 33 and 34 of Rio Township (T.13N.-R.1 E.) and in Section 3 of Henderson Township (T.12N.-R.1E.), Knox County, IL. The real estate consists of 300 acres (m/l), subject to final survey, that will be offered in 5 tracts by bidder’s choice and privilege. Properties have frontage along Route 150, Knox Road 2500N and the Henderson Trail.
TRACT 1 – 57.15 ACRES (M/L)
Tract 1 is located on the west side of Route 150 in the SW Quarter of Section 33, Rio Township, Knox County, IL. The parcel lies level to undulating and presently consists of 45.75 FSA acres of cropland and 2.72 acres in CRP. Primary soil types of the cropland include Lawson, Rozetta, Littleton and Hickory silt loams with a PI rating of 133.4. Henderson Creek runs along the south border of the property.
Click here to view Tract 1 Soil Map
TRACT 2 – 74.74 ACRES (M/L)
Tract 2 has frontage along the west side of Route 150 and on Knox Road 2500N and is located in the East Half of the NE Quarter of Section 33, Rio Township, Knox County, IL. The parcel lies undulating to gently rolling and presently consists of 46.98 FSA cropland acres. Primary soil types of the cropland are Rozetta, Ipava, Clarksdale and Osco silt loams with a PI rating of 121.6. The balance of the acreage features mature timber.
Click here to view Tract 2 Soil Map
TRACT 3 – 45.04 ACRES (M/L)
Tract 3 has frontage along east side of Route 150, on Knox Road 2500N and on the Henderson Trail. The property is located in the West Half of the NW Quarter of Section 34, Rio Township, Knox County, IL. The parcel lies undulating to rolling and presently consists of 25.88 FSA acres of cropland and 4.63 acres in CRP. Primary soil types of the cropland are Rozetta, Hickory and Greenbush silt loams with a PI rating of 107.1. The balance of the acreage features timber and grassland.
Click here to view Tract 3 Soil Map
TRACT 4 – 91.91 ACRES (M/L)
Tract 4 is directly south of Tract 3 with frontage on the east side of Route 150 and on the Henderson Trail. The property is located in the SE Quarter of Section 34, Rio Township, Knox County, IL. The parcel lies undulating to rolling and presently consists of 38.36 cropland acres and 2.29 acres in CRP. Primary soil types of the cropland are Radford, Rozetta and Hickory silt loams with a PI rating of 114.9. The balance of the acreage includes Henderson Creek, timber, pasture and grassland.
Click here to view Tract 4 Soil Map
TRACT 5 – 31.13 ACRES (M/L)
Tract 5 is directly south of Tract 4 with frontage on the Henderson Trail. The property is located in North Half of the NW Quarter of Section 3, Henderson Township, Knox County, IL. The parcel lies undulating to rolling and presently consists of 18.76 FSA cropland acres. Primary soil type of the cropland is Rozetta silt loam with a PI rating of 117.9 The balance of the tract features pasture and timber.
Click here to view Tract 5 Soil Map
Click here to view CRP Contract – 2.72 acres
Click here to view CRP Contract – 6.92 acres
Click here to view FSA 156 Farm Record – 9806
Click here to view FSA 156 Farm Record – 9807
TERMS OF SALE: Ten percent (10%) of the purchase price to be paid down at time of sale with balance due on or before December 8, 2023. Buyers will receive possession at the closing. Title insurance will be provided. The 2023 real estate taxes payable in 2024 will be paid by the seller. The farm is selling with no contingences. Bidders must have financing arrangements made prior to participating in the auction. All statements and representations herein are believed to be correct, however, the sellers and the auctioneers make no warranties or guarantees expressed or implied. Any announcements made on the day of sale will supersede those previously advertised. Van Adkisson Auction Service LLC serves solely as agent for the seller and assumes no liability of any kind with the property being sold.
SALE PROCEDURE: Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be offered by Bidder’s Choice and Privilege whereby the high bidder in the first auction session shall have the privilege to select any individual tract, any combination of tracts or all five tracts. In the event that less than all of the tracts are selected in the first session, the remaining tracts will be offered by the same method until all five tracts are sold.
NOTICE: The auction will be conducted both In-Person and Online. Online bidding is powered by Proxibid. Online bidders must be registered and approved by the auction firm no later than 1 p.m. on November 2, 2023.