Timed Online Farm Auction
Friday, April 8, 2022 9:00 amAuction Location:
MULTIPLE LOCATIONS including Berg’s Towing Facility, 1420 North Main, Monmouth, IL 61462 and other locations near Monmouth, Galesburg and Aledo, Illinois.
Area Farmers
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MULTIPLE LOCATIONS including Berg’s Towing Facility, 1420 North Main, Monmouth, IL 61462 and other locations near Monmouth, Galesburg and Aledo, Illinois.
FRIDAY, APRIL 8, 2022 – 9 A.M.
The complete listing including site locations and seller’s contact information is available on Proxibid.
13 TRACTORS: JD 5083E Limited MFWD Cab Tractor w/ 553 loader, quick tach 7’ bucket, 623 hrs, nice; JD 7420 MFWD Tractor, SN- RW7420R016422, PQ trans. w/ E range, 2 pr. 450 # rear weights,420/85R28 fronts, 480/80R42 rears, 3 rem., 3 pt., 6,275 hrs. Sells with JD 741 Loader, 7′ grapple bucket and loader soft ride; 1982 JD 4440 2WD, aux. front fuel tank, hrs. unknown; 1986 JD 8650 4WD Tractor, 5151 hrs, good rubber; 1980 JD 8640 4WD Tractor w/ Kinze Re-Power Series II 855 Cummins motor; 2005 AGCO LT90A MFWD Tractor w/ FL400 quick-tach loader; 1969 JD 3020 Gas WF Tractor; JD 3010 Gas WF Tractor, does not run; JD 4010 Diesel WF Tractor, motor stuck; JD 4010 D WF Tractor; JD 3010 D WF Tractor; Farmall 460 NF Gas Tractor, 2pt fast hitch; Farmall 706 German Diesel WF Tractor, runs good.
LOADERS-LIFT TRUCK: Bobcat 975 Skid Loader sells w/ 46” forks & 7’ bucket; Ag-Chem Wrangler 4300, 6’ bucket; Mitsubishi LP FG15 Lift Truck w/ front pintle hitch to move planes.
UTV-ATV: 2011 Kubota 1140 CPX Diesel 4X4, 541 hrs, nice; Artic Cat 454 4X4 ATV.
TRUCKS:; 2010 IH Prostar Premium 6X4 Day Cab Semi-Tractor, Cummins ISX 15L 450HP, air ride, 508,435 miles;1989 Ford F350 4X4 Dually Pickup 7.3L diesel, 8’ Rugby dump bed, 41,243 miles; 1976 Chevy C-65 Tandem Axle Truck, 43,796 miles; 2006 GMC 2500 HD 4X4 Pickup w/ 8’ Knapheide utility bed w/ Honda air compressor; 2007 Chevy 2500 4WD Pickup, as-is; 2005 Dodge Ram 2500 4×4 Pickup w/ Knaphiede service body, 127,930 miles.
TRAILERS: 2006 Wilson DWH-500 Grain Trailer, 41’X96”X66”, ag hoppers, Roll Rite power tarp; 2008 Delta 8.5’ X 30’ Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer, triple axles; Atlas Trailers Inc. 8’X24’ Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer, tandem axle duals, alum. outer wheels, 215/85R16 tires w/ 1650 Gallon poly tank & 925 Gallon poly tank, 3” plumbing, Honda 11 hp GX340 3” transfer pump, dry inductor, SS valves;1965 Fruehauf 8150 Gallon Alum. Tanker Trailer; Tandem Axle Nurse Trailer w/ 750 Gallon poly tank & 2” transfer pump; 1998 Barrett 7’X20’ Alum. Livestock Trailer, 4X4 neck, nice! 1998 Exiss 7X24 SX Alum. Livestock Trailer; 1996 Jet 30’ Steel Hopper Bottom Grain Trailer; 75”X16’ Car Trailer; 91”X9’ Stahl Steel Utility bed Trailer w/ lights; 82”X8’ Auto-Craft Fiberglass Utility bed Trailer; 5’X14’ Tandem Axle Generator Trailer w/ tool/battery box at rear & fuel tank; Elk Manufacturing 8’X18’ Tri-axle Gooseneck Trailer.
PLANTER: Kinze 2000 6-30 /11-15 Interplant, SN: 640808, Yetter combo units for corn rows, no-till coulters for bean splitters, 6 Precision corn meters, 11 Kinze bean meters, insecticide, Kinze 3000 monitor.
DRILL & SEED TENDER: 2006 JD 1590 20’ No-till Drill, markers, 7.5” spacing, 2 pt. hitch, 250 Computer Trak monitor; 2-box Seed Tender w/ EZ trail hyd. drive auger.
TILLAGE: 2009 JD 2210 FH 54’6” Field Cultivator, Accu-Depth controller, 5 bar spike tooth harrow, all new Perma-Loc 9” sweeps; Krause 4200HR 26’ Field Cultivator, 3 bar coil tine harrow, nice; IH 4800 24’ Field Cultivator w/ 5 bar spike tooth harrow; DMI 527 Ecolo-Tiger 5 Shank Disc Ripper; Sunflower 33’ Soil Finisher w/ 5 bar spike tooth harrow; Krause 22’ 1400 Hyd. Fold Disk w/ Coil Tine Harrow; JD 400 Rotary Hoe, 30’ end transport; JD 1600 9 Shank Chisel Plow; 22’ Harrogator.
DIRT MOVERS: Reynolds 484 Dirt Scraper, 7’W; Soil Mover SM110 10’ Scraper; 10’ Pull Type Box Scraper w/ 15” tires, nice.
APPLICATOR: Blue Jet 7 Knife 800 Gallon Side Dress Applicator, ground drive pump.
CONVEYOR-AUGERS: Adams S.S. Model FL-24-3539SW Belt Conveyor, 24” X 25’ w/ 9’ X 24” hopper, w/ Honda GX 690 motor; Speed King 52’ & 60’ 8” Augers.
SPRAYERS – SPRAY EQUIPMENT:: 1998 Walker 44 Self Propelled 4X4 Hydro Sprayer, 90’ boom, 1200-gallon SS tank, 5.9L Cummins eng., 3030 hrs.; Hardi 1000-gallon pull-type Sprayer, 60’ hyd. fold booms, 1000 PTO pump, foamer; 2 – 1000 Gallon Poly Tanks on steel fork lift skids; 30 & 55 Gallon Cone Bottom Mix Tanks on steel fork lift skid w/ Pacer transfer pump; Junge SS Bulk Chemical Mix Tank w/ controller & elec. pump, air shut offs; 1500 Gallon Poly Mix Tank; 24’ SS Air Tractor / Plane Spreader Attachment; Low Profile Aerial Application Tank w/ Booms; Shuttle Tanks; Transfer Hoses; Honda 2” Transfer Pump, 2” & 3” Alum. Cam-Lock Fittings, Valves & Filters; Top-Air 30’ Pull Type ATV Sprayer.
MOWERS-HAY EQUIPMENT: Bush Hog 3615 15’ Mower, 1000 PTO, stump jumpers, 8 lam. tires, front & rear chains; Bush Hog 15’ 2615L Legend Mower, 540 PTO, 6 laminated tires, front & rear chains; Kubota RCR72 3pt. Finishing Mower, 540 PTO; New Idea 5409 3 Pt. Disc Mower; New Idea 5108 3 Pt. Disc Mower; JD CX15 Mower, 1000 RPM, front & rear chains; 6-bale Hay Trailer w/ dolly hitch; Ez-Trail 9’x20’ Hayrack on 1090 gear, new!; Pallet Forks; Bale Spears.
GRAIN CARTS: EZ Trail 510 Grain Cart, roll tarp, lights, green; Kinze 640 Grain Cart.
LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT: New Holland 195 Manure Spreader; Blair 5’x12’ Feed-R-Wagon; Gehl 170 Feed Wagon w/Central City 615XL scales; Stronghold 8’ Cattle Catch Chute & 8’ Alley; Dozens of Stronghold, WW & HW Steel Corral Panels & Gates; Cement Feed Bunks; Wooden Feed Bunks; Steel Posts; Bale Rings; Approx. 150 – 20’ Continuous Fence Sections and wooden posts, that are installed and to be removed by buyer(s).
MISC. ITEMS: Many pallets of JD, IH & Kubota weights, parts, duals, tires, etc.; 2-500 Gallon Fuel Tanks w/ elec. pumps; 2000 Gallon Fuel Tank (no pump). Carolina 20-ton H Frame Press; oxygen-acetylene torch on cart; Snap-On plasma 50 welder; Snap-On MM250SL Mig welder; hyd. floor jacks & bottle jacks; Go-Cart w/ B&S 6 hp motor; Ski Doo Formula 583 Snowmobile, 2392 miles; Many other unlisted items!
Contact Dan: 309-337-7208
Items located at: 1891 Knox Road 1850N, Galesburg, IL 61401
JD 7420 MFWD Tractor, 42” rubber, 3 rem, joystick, loader w/ grapple bucket, deluxe cab, 6,000+ hrs.
JD 3010 Gas WF Tractor, SN: T13340, 15.5-38 rears, 2 rem., 3pt, does not run
JD 4010 Diesel WF Tractor, SN: 2XX12, 18.4-34 rears, 2 rem., 3pt, motor stuck, good tin work & seat
JD 4010 D WF Tractor, SN: 46610, 18.4-38 rears, 1 rem., 3pt, M&W turbo, tire w/ slow leak, will run good
JD 3010 D WF Tractor, SN: 12875, Synchro, 13.6-38 tires – good, 3pt, runs good, trans good, slow steering on side
Farmall 460 NF Gas Tractor, SN: 27694, 13.6-38 tires, 1 rem., 2pt fast hitch
JD 5083E Limited MFWD Cab Tractor w/ 553 loader, quick tach 7’ bucket, 1 rem, 3pt, 540 PTO, hood guard, power quad trans w/ LH reverser, 11.2-24 fronts, 16.9-30 rears, 2 pr. rear wheel weights, 623 hrs, nice
Farmall 706 German Diesel WF Tractor, SN: 40266 S-Y, 18.4-34 tires, dual PTO, 2 rem, 1 pr. rear weights, fenders, new batteries, runs good.
Skid Steer:
Bobcat 975 Skid Loader w/ JD 4 cyl diesel eng., SN: 4963M12063, 15-19.5 tires, sells w/ 46” forks & 7’ bucket w/ digging teeth, runs & operates well
UTV & Trucks
2011 Kubota 1140 CPX Diesel 4X4 UTV, SN: 19291, RTV1140CPX, new tires, 2 bench seats, power dump, lights, canopy, 541 hrs, nice
1989 Ford F350 4X4 Dually Pickup, SN: 1FDKF38M2KNB54016, 7.3L diesel, 5 speed trans., 8’ Rugby dump bed w/ elec./hyd. hoist, rear hitch, brake controller, 235/85R16 tires, 41,243 miles
1976 Chevy C-65 Tandem Axle Truck, 427 eng., 13 sp, 14’ dump bed, hoist cyl leaks, tilt hood, air brakes, 10.00-20 tires, trans noisy, runs & operates, showing 43,796 miles
Farm Machinery – Livestock Equipment – Tractor Accessories – Misc. Items
Bush Hog 3615 15’ Mower, 1000 PTO, stump jumpers, 8 lam. tires, front & rear chains
Kubota RCR72 3pt. Finishing Mower, 540 PTO
New Idea 5409 3 Pt. Disc Mower
New Idea 5108 3 Pt. Disc Mower
New Holland 195 Manure Spreader, SN: 1025718, tandem axle, 1000 PTO, poly composite floor, slop gate, top beater, 11R22.5
EZ Trail 9’X20’ Hay Rack on 1090 gear, fold down steel back, telescoping front tongue, ext. rear hitch, 12.5L-15 10 ply tires, new
Blair 5’X12’ Feed-R-Wagon, single axle, 540 PTO, works good
Frontier 7’ 3pt Rear Blade, RB2084
Frontier 48’ Pallet Forks w/ global attach
11 – 8’ Concrete Fence Line Bunks w/ posts & cable
4 – 9’X3’ Concrete Bunks w/ ends
4’ Calf Creep Feeder w/ gates & poly mineral feeder, both mounted on wood platform, nice
2 – 150-gallon Rubbermaid Water Tanks
Westendorf Bale Spear Frame, needs spear
Bale Spear w/ JD 600/700 series quick attach
Massey Ferguson 15 Grinder Mixer
3pt Bale Spear, needs work
Steel Posts, Woven & Barbed Wire
Frontier Bale Spear w/ global attach
Cub Cadet Garden Tractor, SN: 881923, 146-734-100, 54” deck, power steering, twin cyl gas
Case IH 1044 4R36 Corn Head, SN: JJ00242319
Snow-Ex 12v Salt Spreader for 2” hitch
JD 80 6’ 3pt Blade
50-gallon Pull Type Sprayer w/ 12v pump
Cyclone 12v Pull Type Seeder
MDS 3pt 5th Wheel Hitch Mover
16” Airstream Bin Fan
Landa Pressure Washer w/ Honda 20hp eng. & Real craft hose reel w/ hose
IH 24’ 4 Section Harrow on Cart
1,000-gallon Steel Tank w/ Divide, has had waste oil in it
Year-A-Round JD Cab mod 690/691, painted, nice
4’X7.5’ Alum. Tread Plate
Pr. 18.4R38 Duals on 9 bolt rims
Pr. 18.4-38 Duals on 9 bolt rims, co-op
Pr. Alliance 18.4R46 Tires
Pr. Good Year 18.4R42 Tires
Pr. FS SAT II 23 18.4-38 on 8 bolt rims from JD 6125 w/ weights, good
Pr. 18.4-38 Duals on 9 bolt rims
Pr. 20.8-38 Duals on 10 bolt rims
Pr. 18.4-38 duals on DMI clamp-on rims
Pr. 18.4-34 duals on clamp-on rims
14L-16.1 4 rib front tire on 8 bolt rim
12.5L-15 Implement tire on 6 bolt rim
11.00-16 4 rib tire on rim w/ weights
Pr. 48” Brick / Block Forks for 21” face
Pr. Steel Front Fenders for JD
8’ Material Bucket
9’ Material Bucket
6’ Material Bucket
JD BW Disk parts
16 – JD 20-40 series Rear Wheel Weights
2 – JD 450# / 205kg Wheel Weights, R207782
4 – JD 165# / 72kg Starter Wheel Weights, R167153
6 – JD 10-20 series Cast Slab Starter Weight Brackets
11 – JD 10-20 series slab weights
9 – JD Front Weights, new style
15 – JD Front Weights, old style thin
11 – JD Front Weights, old style thick
12 – Kubota Wheel Weights
Pr. 9 Bolt Clamp on Hubs
640 to 6400 JD Loader Brackets & Front Hood Guard
JD 165 Hydro Lawn Mower w/ 38” Deck, M00165X423540, does not run
Pr. JD 8640 3pt Arms
JD Cat II / III N Cast Quick Hitch
JD 10-20 Series Wide Front End
Adj. Boom for Loader, pin attach.
Rockshaft for JD 4430, good
4 – Lawn Mower Wheel Weights
4 – 16’ Quick Connect Bull Float Extensions
Pr. 4020 3pt. Arms
Various JD 3010-3020 Utility Tractor Parts
JD 600 series Loader Grapple Brackets, new
JD 3020 Gas NF Parts Tractor, SN: 5861, good trans/rear end
Telescoping Tongue for JD 1065 gear
JD 7830 Drawbar
IH Tractor Parts & Fit Fenders
3 – IH Front Slab Weights for Farmalls
6 – JD 10-20 series Factory Third Links
2 – Cat II Quick Hitch
Case Cat II Quick Hitch
9 – Case 100# Front Weights
4 – Case 75# Front Weights
6 – Case 90-94 series 100# Front Weights
5 – Farmall 1 piece Wheel Weights
Case Cat III Third Link
JD Front Weight Brackets
Pr. Bobcat 12-16.2 Tires & Rims, 1 new
Clutch & Quad Trans for JD 4630
2 – 16.5L-16.1 Implement Tires on 8 bolt
GILLEN FEEDLOTS – The Late Mark Gillen
Contact: Van Adkisson 309-337-1761 or Tom Hall 309-337-5745
Items located at: 685 130th Ave., Monmouth, IL 61462 – 6 miles south of Monmouth on Route 67.
2005 AGCO LT90A MFWD Tractor, SN: P293011, cab, 460/85R34 rear tires, 3 pt.
3 remotes, showing 4039 hrs., sells w/ AGCO FL400 quick-tach loader & 7’ bucket.
1982 John Deere 4440 2WD Tractor, SN: 063946RW, dual PTO, 3 Pt., auxiliary front fuel tank, 1 set rear wts., 6 front wts., updated cab entry steps, quad range, 18.4-38 rear tires, hrs. unknown.
1969 John Deere 3020 Gas Tractor, SN: 124172R, open station, WF, 2 remotes, good 15.5-38 rears, 9.5-15 fronts, showing 8365 hrs.
Ag Chem Wrangler 4300 Loader, Deutz diesel engine, 6’ bucket, showing 6798 hrs.
Livestock Equipment:
Gehl 170 Feed Wagon, SN: 1275 w/ Central City 615XL scales, SN: 10852.
48” Pallet Forks, loader/skid steer plate.
Bale Prong, loader/skid steer plate.
Stronghold 8’ Cattle Catch Chute.
2-Stronghold 20’Alley Gates.
125’ +/- Stronghold, WW & HW Corral Panels and Gates.
Cement Feed Bunks.
Wooden Cattle Bunks.
Large Concrete Blocks, used for bunker silo.
Bale Rings.
Approx. 150 – 20’ Continuous Fence Sections and wooden posts that are installed and to be removed by the buyer(s).
Vermeer 2 Pt. Bale Mover.
Steel Posts.
Barb Wire.
Other Related Items
Farm Equipment – Misc.
Soil Mover Model SM110 – 10’ Dirt Scraper, SN: 18923.
22’ Harrogator.
200 Bu. SD Gravity Wagon.
Wagon Gear.
Cosmo 3 Pt. Seeder.
7’x16’+2’ Dovetail Flatbed Trailer.
6.5’x8’ Trailer w/ 16” wooden sides & ramps.
2 – 500 Gallon Fuel Tanks w/ elec. pumps.
100 Gallon Port. Fuel Tank w/ hand pump.
Vehicles – ATV – Golf Cart
2009 Chevrolet Impala 4 Door Sedan.
2007 Chevrolet Silverado 2500 4WD W/T Pickup, rough.
Kawasaki Bayou 4 Wheeler, engine needs repair.
Club Car Elec. Golf Cart w/ sun roof.
Contact: Roger 309-221-9039 or Jim 309-224-4452
Item located at Gillen Feedlots
Killbros 350 Seed Wagon & Gear w/ hyd. driven poly cup auger, extended pipe, walk plank.
Call or text Devin Callahan 309-337-6017
Items located at 143 120th St., Seaton, IL 61476
2006 JD 1590 20’ No-till Drill, markers, 7.5” spacing, 2 pt. hitch, 250 Computer Trak monitor, 4 sensors, SN: NOGD02071540
2009 JD 2210 FH 54’6” Field Cultivator, Accu-Depth controller, 5 bar spike tooth harrow, poly shank protectors, all new Perma-Loc 9” sweeps, 6” centers, SN: N02210X008147
Buyer Responsible for Loading.
Contact: Gary 309-371-5461
Item located at: 221 180th Ave., Kirkwood, IL 61447
Kinze 2000 6-30 / 11-15 Interplant Planter, SN: 640808, Yetter combo units for corn rows, no-till coulters for bean splitters, 6 Precision corn meters, 11 Kinze bean meters, insecticide, Kinze 3000 monitor, selling with Precision Seed Sense wiring harness.
Contact: Jeff Gregory 309-337-5255
Items located at Berg’s Towing Facility, 1420 North Main St., Monmouth, IL 61462
2008 Delta 8.5’ X 30’ Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer, triple axles, dual jacks, ST235/80R16 tires, VIN: 4MHFS30278N023256
Atlas Trailers Inc. 8’X24’ Gooseneck Flatbed Trailer, tandem axle duals, alum. wheels, outer tires LT 215/85R16 w/ spare w/ 1650 Gallon poly tank & 925 Gallon poly tank, 3” plumbing, Honda 11 hp GX340 3” transfer pump, dry inductor, SS valves. VIN & date of manufacture not legible
1965 Fruehauf 8150 Gallon Alum. Tanker Trailer, Model TAG F2, SN: OMF336303, 11R24.5 tires
Tandem Axle Nurse Trailer w/ 750 Gallon poly tank & 2” transfer pump, B&S 5.5 hp, 11L-15 tires, probably not titled
2 – 8’ Steel Loading Ramps (bent)
Machinery & Equipment:
Adams S.S. Model FL-24-3539SW Belt Conveyor, 24” X 25’ w/ 9’ X 24” hopper, w/ Honda GX 690 Elec. start engine
Reynolds 484 Dirt Scraper, 7’W, SN: 2751
Bush Hog 15’ 2615L Legend Mower, 540 PTO, 6 laminated tires, front & rear chains
DMI 527 Ecolo-Tiger Disc Ripper w/ hyd. leveler, 5 shank
Sunflower 33’ Soil Finisher w/ 5 bar spike tooth harrow, Model 6432-33, SN: 6496-075
Krause 22’ Hyd. Fold Disk w/ Coil Tine Harrow, 3 bar, hyd. adjust hitch, Model 1400, SN 1952
10’ Pull Type Box Scraper w/ 15” tires, nice
EZ-GO 1.49 KW Elec. Golf Cart
Mitsubishi LP Lift Truck, Model FG15, SN: AF31-51240 w/ front pintle hitch to move planes
JD 21’ BWA Manual Fold Disk, frame needs repaired
HD Tandem Axle Trailer Dolley, 12-16.5LT tires
Pair of new 11L-15 SL Tires on 6 bolt imp. rims
Tanks, Hoses & Spray Equipment:
2 – 1000 Gallon Poly Tanks on steel fork lift skids w/ 2” plumbing
30 & 55 Gallon Cone Bottom Mix Tanks on steel fork lift skid w/ Pacer transfer pump
Junge SS Bulk Chemical Mix Tank w/ controller & elec. pump, air shut offs, mtd. on steel forklift skid – as is
1500 Gallon Poly Mix Tank, 1 compartment w/ 3 lids
5 – 3” Transfer Hoses – 15’ – 25’ lengths
B&S – Pacer 2” Transfer Pump
24’ SS Air Tractor / Plane Spreader Attachment
3 – Transfer Pumps (parts)
Low Profile Application Tank w/ Booms (aerial)
Round Up 120 Gallon Chemical Shuttle
Snyder 330 Gallon Poly Shuttle Tank
Transfer Hoses
Honda 2” Transfer Pump
2” & 3” Alum. Cam-Lock Fittings, Valves & Filters
Banjo Spray Fittings
Honda Power Boss 3000 PSI – 2.5 GPM Pressure Washer
2 – Upsolyte – GNB Battery Packs, Model 6-MSA-2460
100 Gallon Portable Fuel Tank
150 Gallon L Shaped Port. Fuel Tank
DeWalt 5’ Alum. Step Ladder
Large Canvas
6’ SS 3 Well Commercial Sink, 6’ X 35”
3 – Poly Tool Boxes
Lesco advertising shirts & rain gages
Air Cleaners – Air Filters
2 – Hand Fuel Pump
2 – Pallets of Cement Blocks – 30
Contact: Paul: 309-734-1999
Items located at Berg’s Towing Facility, 1420 North Main, Monmouth, IL 61462
Snap-On Plasma 50 welder, new never used – purchased approx. 12 yrs. ago
Snap-On MM250SL Mig welder, new never used – purchased approx. 12 yrs. ago
Carolina 20-ton H Frame Press
sand blasting cabinet
Go-Cart w/ B&S 6 hp motor
Ski Doo Formula 583 Snowmobile De-Luxe – Rotax R.A.V.E., 2392 miles
oxygen-acetylene torch on cart
3 – 5’X6’ wooden parts bins & contents – misc. filters, wiring, lights, tow hooks, PVC fittings, hardware, etc.
Craftsman 13” drill press on stand
hyd. floor jacks & bottle jacks
jack stands
Contact Mike: 309-337-1485
Items located at: 1126 160th Street, Aledo, IL 61231
Trucks & Trailers:
2010 IH Prostar Premium 6X4 Day Cab Semi-Tractor, VIN: 2HSCUAPR5AC169542, Cummins ISX 15L 450 hp eng., 10 sp. trans., air ride, air cab, visor, dual 100-gal. alum. fuel tanks, w.b. 176”, 11R22.5 tires, 10 alum. rims, DPF/EGR deleted, 508,435 miles
2006 Wilson DWH-500 Grain Trailer, 41’X96”X66”, ag hoppers, 11R22.5 tires, steel wheels, spring ride, SS frt. corners, SS rear, Roll Rite power tarp, VIN: 1W1MAFYW07A244249
1998 Barrett 7’X20’ Alum. Livestock Trailer, VIN: 1B9P20202W1014594, 4X4 neck, slant nose, front vents under neck, 235/85R16 tires, 2-7k axles, divide gate w/ ½ slider, rear gate w/ ½ slider, 33” curb side escape door – nice!
2006 GMC 2500 HD 4X4 Pickup, 6.0L gas, auto trans., 8’ Knapheide utility bed w/ Honda air compressor, LT 265/75R16 tires, 190-200,000 miles
2006 GMC 8’ pickup bed w/ tailgate, red, spray in bed liner
75”X16’ Car Trailer, tandem axle, mesh ramps, 7.00-15 tires, needs work
91”X9’ Stahl Steel Utility bed Trailer w/ lights
82”X8’ AutoCraft Fiberglass Utility Bed Trailer
6-bale Hay Trailer w/ dolly hitch
Speed King 80 Auger, 8”X52’, 540 PTO
Speed King 80 Auger, 8”X60’, hyd. lift, 540 PTO
Noble 12R30” hyd. fold Cultivator
Mohawk 10’ 10 shank Chisel Plow
Hardi 1000-gallon pull-type Sprayer, 60’ hyd. fold booms, 1000 PTO pump, 75-gallon rinse, foamer, inductor, hand rinse, 13.6-38 tires
110-gallon portable fuel tank w/ 12v pump
IH 4800 24’ Field Cultivator w/ 5 bar spike tooth harrow
JD 400 Rotary Hoe, 30’ end transport
1500-gallon poly water tank
JD Planter seed transmission w/ ½ width clutches
Ex-Mark Lazer Z X Series Lawnmower w/ 72” deck, as-is, needs motor & seat
Pr. JD 600 series platform divider points
Poly truck tool boxes
JD 1770NT 24 row planter markers, good shape
Artic Cat 454 4X4 ATV 4-wheeler, liquid cooled, front & rear racks
Contact Jeff: 309-337-5255
Item located at Berg’s Towing Facility, 1420 North Main, Monmouth, IL 61462
Krause 4200HR field cultivator, 26′, 3 bar coil tine harrow, nice
Contact: Bill Boruff: 309-371-5318
Items located at 1393 45th Street, New Boston, IL 61272
1986 JD 8650 4WD Tractor, SN: 008234, 2 rem, 5151 hrs, PTO, no 3pt, good rubber
1998 Exiss 7X24 SX Alum. Livestock Trailer, 14 ply tires, 2 divide gates, ½ slider on rear, side escape door, good brakes, very little use since 2002
1996 Jet 30’ Steel Jet Hopper Bottom Grain Trailer
Blue Jet 7 Knife 800 Gallon Side Dress Applicator, ground drive pump
EZ Trail 510 Grain Cart, roll tarp, lights, green
Kinze 640 Grain Cart
Contact Ken: 309-221-1700
Items located at: 1126 160th Street, Aledo, IL 61231
1998 Walker 44 Self Propelled 4X4 Hydro Sprayer, 90’ boom, 1200-gallon SS tank, 5.9L Cummins eng., Hypro hyd. pump, hyd. adj. tread width, 380/90R46 tires, 3030 hrs.
2000-gallon Fuel Tank, no pump
Yetter Tri-fold hyd. Markers for 30’ Toolbar
50+ Steel Posts
1980 JD 8640 4WD Tractor w/ Kinze Re-Power Series II, SN: 8640M005400R, 855 Cummins motor, PQ Trans., does not stay in park – as is, 20.8-38 tires, 3 pt., 3 rem, 4 inner wheel weights, showing 2594 hrs.
Contact Jon: 309-371-0386
Items located at 1393 45th Street, New Boston, IL 61272
2004 Cat MT855 Track Tractor
2009 Chevy 2500HD Duramax Crew Cab 4X4 Pickup
Contact Joe: 309-337-0728
Items located at Berg’s Towing Facility, 1420 North Main St., Monmouth, IL 61462
John Deere 1600 9 Shank Chisel Plow
Massey Ferguson 5 Bar Hay Rake
Top-Air Pull Type ATV Sprayer, 30’ booms, tandem axle
The complete listing including site locations and seller’s contact information is available on Proxibid.
This is a Timed Online Auction. There will be no live onsite bidding. Bidders must register with Proxibid to participate in the Auction. All items sold under usual auction terms, without warranties or guarantees, expressed or implied.